Day 10. Advent descent. A little winter ritual

Day 10. Advent descent. A little winter ritual

A little winter ritual ☕️ 🕯

A little winter ritual part 1
1. Set the space. Create a calm little moment that feels special. Gather things to look after yourself and your nervous system too.

A little winter ritual part 2
2. Light a candle. Set some gentle intentions for this process. It could be something like “I am pausing to connect with….” Or to remember, to honour… Whatever words come will be the right ones.

A little winter ritual part 3

3. Listen to some music and let your thoughts drift. Let everything soften. Allow the emotions and feelings to move. No judgment or labelling. Let your feelings land on soft cushions inside your self.

A little winter ritual part 4
4. Ask if there is a guide or familiar who would like to help you, to be with you in this time. You could pull a card to help you tune in. Share your stories with them. Hear their wisdom. Feel their energy. Write or draw anything that comes through and feels important.

A little winter ritual part 5
5. When it feels right, end the ritual and close the space for now. Blow out the candle. Thank anyone who joined you, and yourself. Take some deep breaths and care for yourself.
Why does ritual matter…?

A quote about the importance of ritual from The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller

“We were not meant to live shallow lives, pocked by meaningless routines and the secondary satisfactions of happy hour. We are the inheritors of an amazing lineage, rippling with memories of life lived intimately with bison and gazelle, Raven and the night sky. We are designed to encounter this life with amazement and wonder, not resignation and sorrow.”

An amazing quote from The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller.


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