Day 12. Advent Descent.  The Void between Samhain and the Winter solstice

Day 12. Advent Descent. The Void between Samhain and the Winter solstice

On the 12th of the 12th it was time to catch up with some of my fellow Wild Priestess Apprentices on our monthly video call. The apprenticeship isn’t a group programme, but it’s gorgeous when we get moments to connect. We’re all at different points in our journey, and the level of mutual respect and honour in these relationships make them extra special.

Our Head Mystress Jessi’s theme for the session was in relation to energy of The Void.

This is one of the most useful things I’ve learnt about the Wheel of the Year and the way the seasons shift; from Halloween and Samhain to the winter solstice is a period of crumbling weirdness.

The Void is a time when things can get very floaty and strange, stuff can go wrong, endings happen all of over the place and it has the potential to be murky and chaotic. I’ve learnt over the last couple of years that it’s a time when having insurance can be very important! 

And a part of becoming more in tune with the wheel and the seasons is making a peace with this time too. 

Sometimes, we get to choose the things that fall away and it can be a great time for letting go, recycling, mulching.

Sometimes, we don’t get to choose. And those times can be hard in so many ways. It’s not about denying that or pretending it’s not happening. But there is the potential to nurture my nervous system to face those things with a greater capacity to handle them.

And about embodying Squirrel earlier in autumn, to be prepared for what may come…


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