Day 23. Ascending to Imbolc. How to (not) make a hot chocolate station!

Day 23. Ascending to Imbolc. How to (not) make a hot chocolate station!

I saw an Instagram post that was meant to take the pressure off Christmas saying something like 'you don't need matching pyjamas or a hot chocolate station to have a good Christmas.'

I had NO idea what a hot chocolate station was, so I Googled it, and instantly wanted one!  It's basically a cute and beautifully styled set up for making and adding extra bits to a cup of cocoa.  There are jars with marshmallows and chocolate drops. 

So, I made one!

Sort of.

In fact, I made a witchy-themed, tea, coffee AND hot chocolate station!  

It was a complete faff and I bit of way more than I could chew, but it turned out brilliantly.  And having it sitting in the corner over the festive period to dip into whenever someone is chilly or needs cheering up has been so worth it.

And I made a tutorial video for you :) 

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