Momentum is such a slippery thing at the moment. I can feel it rising then it flops to the side again. The wheels fall off (sometimes literally) and we slowly get going again until the next bump.
I’m sure we’re not alone in this. This, in effect, is the new normal isn’t it?
Trundle trundle trundle lock down. Trundle trundle trundle Covid. Trundle trundle trundle a different illness. Trundle trundle trundle something breaks. Trundle trundle trundle.
I guess it was always like this…but everything feels more fragile now. The current of normalcy, of everyday-ness that would be pulsing away behind everything has changed.
Our little one currently has The Virus (he’s fine just a bit poorly and run down) and it’s in one of my busiest work weeks. And the washing machine is broken.
I’m celebrating the fact that I have amazing family support, incredible clients and collaborators (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I LOVE YOU).
And that even though this is hard, my nervous system is hardier these days. I am grabbing all the tools and tricks I know to stay balanced.
In the midst of this, I’m still weaving away at the dreams I’m building. They have to be adaptable. But they ARE slowly growing in spite of the stopping and starting.
But wow.
And then yesterday, when I was losing the plot a bit with worry and bogged down feelings, a blackbird hopped into our kitchen.
Bold as brass and sweet, they bobbed across the kitchen floor with this beautiful lightness.
I grinned and the colours of the world felt many shades brighter.
Wonder is an antidepressant. It’s one of the best medicines I know.
It feels more and more urgent to remember enchantment, to grow my capacity for wonder so that I can equally grow my ability to handle whatever bumps come.