When wild female energy dances through you,
She is with you.
She IS you,
And you are she.
She is just as present in
Thigh gaps
As hip dips.
In cellulite, fat,
And toned muscle,
In abs,
And back rolls.
In grand stature
And petite form.
In a full bear’s worth of body hair
As smooth skin
Or stubble.
In long locks
Bald scalps,
And all the steps in between.
In whatever genes someone caries
And whatever is below their waist.
She is everywhere.
And our job is to remember that
There is no one way to be feminine
Nor to be female.
Any more than there is one way to be water
Or a tree
Or to be alive.
If you feel her, you are her
And that’s enough.
Whether she feels warm or cool to you
Fire or moon
Pushing or dreaming
Or just a little bit of everything.
So do not despair.
Do not let them prescribe to you how to measure your female-ness.
It cannot be measured.
Is the water wet enough?
Are the fires fiery enough?
The moon lunar enough?
Are you feminine enough?
Of course.