Friends of Wolf and Wing

We have a carefully curated network of creatives and change-weavers, ready to share their magic with you.  

Coaches, well-being specialists from a variety of backgrounds, psychologists, spiritual experts.... there are just so many people out there ready to help YOU.  A lot of them are incredibly generous with their time, and just being on their social media or mailing list will bring you all kinds of upgrades and support.

We are putting together links to programs that you can join over the Hibernation of Transformation from September to February, so watch this space!


M A G I C  C H A T S

A great way to get a taste of the transmission of some of the Friends of Wolf and Wing is through our Magic Chats. 

Sam hosts inspiring, uplifting and thought provoking informal interviews with a range of magical friends - people with a beautiful or important message. They pop along to join Sam for a cuppa in cyberspace and share their wisdom with you.  
You can find more about the Magic Chats here, and watch Sam's chat full of tips for better sleep with Brook Packard of The Sleepytime Club below.