The HiberNation: Chapter 2. Badger
October New Moon and Animal Guide
Below is the video for the October new moon! So go make a cuppa, make sure you've got your journal or whatever you like to make notes on, and snuggle up :)
Here's the accompanying eBook - all about badgers, and the themes this month. You can download it and print it (if you like) to go with the video.
There's also a guided meditation below - the video will ask you to pause and go listen to it, before coming back to watch the last part. The whole process takes about an hour.
I didn't have as much badger stock footage as I did for squirrel, so there's also a YouTube playlist below too if you want to go watch some stripy creatures to help you tune in :)
(Oh and please forgive me for getting my waxing and waning moons muddled up a couple of times!)
You can pop off to YouTube for a load of badger videos here 🦡
Here is the guided meditation for tuning into Badger. Or you can listen to it by hitting play on the box below. You can come back and listen to this again any time you like :)
I've also made some extra bits and bobs for you this moon. There's a Nature Notes video, where I go back to the woods I visited earlier in the year:
And a video and accompanying eBook for Halloween and Samhain. The video is below and the eBook is here.
And don't forget to come and join our exclusive Facebook group: The Cocoon. You can find it here, just ask to join and I can add you if you're not already in. You can share your reflections, intentions, cosy animal pics and snuggly vibes with us :)
Happy hibernating!
Sam x