One-to-One Offerings
Empowering you to nourish you inner animal(s)
You are a human AND you are so much more.
You're an animal, with a body that needs tending an nurturing. And a being with a rich internal landscape, that needs the same.
You are a part of the natural world, not separate from it. You're a part of the wider ecosystem, AND an ecosystem in your own right.
And like any landscape, sometimes yours might need a little re-balancing.
Maybe the brambles have taken over (maybe you are feeling tangled and have lost some clarity around your purpose).
Maybe there aren't enough wolves and the elk have eaten all the trees (maybe you're a people pleaser and it's time to assert some boundaries).
Maybe it's been a dry summer, and the plants need a little TLC to help them flourish (maybe you have been so busy looking after others, you're feeling depleted).
The good news is, the rest of nature WANTS to communicate with you, and help you to remember how to heal and rebalance.
Your own nature WANTS to communicate with you, and help you to remember!
In one-to-one sessions with Sam, we focus on connecting with nature to connect you more deeply with yourself, and vice versa. We tune into those internal and external messages, to help you THRIVE.
The things that disconnect us from both or either have the same roots a lot of the time. When we reconnect with nature and/or with ourselves, we open a floodgate for magic and reclamation.
Using emotional clearing tools and calling on animal archetypes and guides, Sam can help you to find a greater sense of balance, quieten mental noise, reconnect with your purpose and deep dreams, and build practices to nourish yourself.
In each session, the creatures that dwell in your natural landscape and the world around us will come through with messages to help you transform.