The Way of the Snail

A free, 5 day challenge to help refill your cup!
Each day, I’ll be sharing practical building blocks to cultivate greater inner peace in these weird times.
If you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, like your head is constantly buzzing, this challenge is designed to help you find tools to feel calmer, more grounded and better able to face life’s challenges.

Day 1. S is for Slow

Welcome to day 1 of the challenge where we are focussing on the theme of S...L...O...W!  
Below is a short video for you to introduce you to the themes of the day, and there's also an accompanying eBook here.

Day 2. N is for Nourish

The eBook for Day 2 is particularly packed with goodies and ideas to help you ponder the idea of NOURISHMENT, in all its forms.  
Here's a little recipe video for Lavender Hot Chocolate:
And for day 2, we also have a soundtrack!  A cross between a guided meditation and a natural history talk about snails, featuring the Root Source Code track by Adam Goodlet.  This has binaural beats, so headphones are handy if you have some! 

Day 3.  A is for Attention

Today we are tuning into the precious gift of our attention and focus, and how we use it.  Here's the video with loads of thoughts and ideas to help you pay more attention to your attention!  And here's the eBook for today.

And there's also a demo for you of Emotional Clearing, a practice you can use yourself, it's also one of the tools I use in my sessions and when I take people through The Spiral.  You can download a free guide and book at the Spiral website here.  And you can book in for a free session with me as a demo too!

Day 4. I is for Inquisitive

When I am on my knees, its this surprising thing that gets me back up again.  Being curious, asking questions, finding my way like a little snail coming back out of their shell...  

Day 5.  L is for Love

Today is a tender one, and I brought my whole vulnerable heart to the video.  I hope you can feel it as you watch.  
And the eBook is here, which also includes how to make a snail-inspired sigil, to keep the slow magic flowing as the challenge comes to an end.
And I so hope that this challenge has helped to refill your teapot! 
I would love to hear from you - you can always email or book in for a 30 minute chat to help process things, and if you would like help deciding on which next steps to take (with me or I can help with signposting too!).
There are some really special, nourishing and beautiful next steps I can offer you, and you can click on the images below to find out more about each one.