
Day 18. Full moon enchantment

Day 18. Full moon enchantment

Full moon enchantment 🌝 1. Set the space. Create a calm little moment that feels special. Bring something to charge up with some moon magic, it could be water, a...

Day 18. Full moon enchantment

Full moon enchantment 🌝 1. Set the space. Create a calm little moment that feels special. Bring something to charge up with some moon magic, it could be water, a...

Day 17. Advent Descent. Music as an offering

Day 17. Advent Descent. Music as an offering

Today, I went to the woods to film some bits and bobs, both for the Holly, Spruce and Heathenry event that I’m part of and for A Year of Wild...

Day 17. Advent Descent. Music as an offering

Today, I went to the woods to film some bits and bobs, both for the Holly, Spruce and Heathenry event that I’m part of and for A Year of Wild...

Day 14. Advent Descent.  On disorganised un-religion

Day 14. Advent Descent. On disorganised un-rel...

Today I went to see my little boy in his first ever nativity play.  It was adorable chaos, and the first time I've been inside a church for a while....

Day 14. Advent Descent. On disorganised un-rel...

Today I went to see my little boy in his first ever nativity play.  It was adorable chaos, and the first time I've been inside a church for a while....

Day 13. Magic Chat about sleep and darkness with Brook Packard

Day 13. Magic Chat about sleep and darkness wit...

Brook Packard of The Sleepytime Club joined me for a brilliant Magic Chat about sleep, and what happens to our brains when we aren’t exposed to artificial light and able...

Day 13. Magic Chat about sleep and darkness wit...

Brook Packard of The Sleepytime Club joined me for a brilliant Magic Chat about sleep, and what happens to our brains when we aren’t exposed to artificial light and able...

Day 12. Advent Descent.  The Void between Samhain and the Winter solstice

Day 12. Advent Descent. The Void between Samha...

On the 12th of the 12th it was time to catch up with some of my fellow Wild Priestess Apprentices on our monthly video call. The apprenticeship isn’t a group...

Day 12. Advent Descent. The Void between Samha...

On the 12th of the 12th it was time to catch up with some of my fellow Wild Priestess Apprentices on our monthly video call. The apprenticeship isn’t a group...

Day 11. Tuning into grey seal

Day 11. Tuning into grey seal

Grey seals are an absolute favourite of mine, and I was soooo excited to join Wildlife Drawing and the Cornish Seal Sanctuary for an online session drawing baby seals! We...

Day 11. Tuning into grey seal

Grey seals are an absolute favourite of mine, and I was soooo excited to join Wildlife Drawing and the Cornish Seal Sanctuary for an online session drawing baby seals! We...